Almost A Year Ago
Nothing But My notes here for now
- GOD, What Do I Need To Know?
- God said Read Your Bible
- Father What Do I Do
- All I Hold Dear Are In My Notes
- Should I Act On My Thoughts?
The Lords Prayer We Will Start There.
My Weapon – Natalie Grant (Lyrics)
I look for videos that express the theme of the pages. She Ellie, Says it all in this short video. Thank you Ellie!
Photo by Daniel Mingook Kim on Unsplash

February 2022 I am in the states in a van traveling, going where I am led. Not where I had planned to be.
Last year I wrote: I am moving to Puerto Rico, I thought it was for me to finish this but, it has been revealed to me that What I want and think is not what the PLAN IS. I laughed out loud for 5 minutes and said to him Really God? Really? I have a lot to do and I do not need to think about myself, I need to think about how I can help and be part of the greater self. I Love You Father. Where you put me is where I will be.
I am Your forever servant. I love you so much. I am grateful for you and your direction. Lead me Father I will Listen. I love you. Amen.
As I woke up, I wrote and wrote, I put those pages here but after reading through them I realized they were just for me to have and to use as notes to write a tangible and coherent version of what this blog should be. I will include bits and pieces as references but as for the rest, I will leave them as just notes.
My Intention is to provide you with the baby steps I took with all reference materials, and notes along with my personal understandings that have been revealed to me for me. (What has been revealed to me may not be instantly what is revealed to you. It is what you are ready for that is revealed. If you seek you will find.)
All prayers and versions of prayers whether Eastern or Western philosophy are prayers to God. Let me clarify the prayers I am speaking of are of the Light, the White prayers, not the Dark prayers to sources other than God, those that serve another master and pray and bow to the darkness is not the God I am speaking of here. The God I am speaking of here is the one and only true God of all spiritual understanding. Not of “religions” since most “religions” can not agree on things even within their own sects let alone the views and religions of other followers of Christ and or God or both.
Others may not in your opinion be praying to the god you claim as the one and only true God but they are praying to the one and only true God they believe in. God is God no matter what we call him. Universal Light, Jesus Christ, Buddha, Cosmic Echos, Allah, Mohamed, Jim, or Peggy, There is only one God, and thank God that we all have him/her Can we agree on that?
Can you open your mind to an understanding of God’s universal law, physics, and illusions?
Can we as a whole be part of something other than ourselves and our temporary wants and needs? And if not Why?
Do you really think that you are in control? And if you do think that you are in control then ask yourself why are you so out of control most of the time. Why do you doubt? Why do you get angry? Why do you fear? Why do you judge? Why do you predict the future in a negative way or outcome instead of with a positive outcome? Why do you gossip? Why do you belittle? Why are you always right/wrong? Why are you bored or too busy? Why do you let external things control the way you think, feel, and perceive life? Why are you not truly happy within? Why do you? Because you are not really in control are you?
The Lords Prayer
The Lord’s Prayer is Simple in saying and knowing we have or most have learned this prayer at an early age.
I say the Lord’s Prayer at least 3 times a day and most days I say it multiple times as to the point of not counting but as a part of my daily rituals of honoring God and keeping myself grounded in what is real and what is an illusion. Spoken when I realize within my own thoughts that I need Him to help me clarify my backward thinking.
My Three Main Go To Prayers and why.
The Lord’s Prayer: One of many prayers I rely on daily.
The Jesus prayer: Another that springs into my head when needed daily.
The ho’oponoponoHawiian prayer, is simple and effective as well I will explore them all.

 Lords Prayer and why; I never really understood constant prayer as it says in the Bible. As for me I wake and pray, I meditate when I can, and I sing Christian songs as well as repeat the other prayers listed all throughout the day this is actually considered constant prayer. Keeping God in our thoughts at all times. Serving him honoring him. This is all He wants from us to honor him, to serve him, and to love him above all else